
- This week was supposed to be the Festival of Learning, our biggest conference/event, with 500 people coming together in Vancouver to learn, share, network, etc. Instead, we’re staying apart and adapting to the fallout of a global pandemic on our role/purpose/work. A lot about our work continues to change before our eyes, and I’m relieved and grateful that our team is rolling with the need to shift.
- My schedule/work/life balance isn’t great – this week (and the one before?) my “routine” has been sliding into later nights and mornings and work days that begin with answering work emails on my phone in bed before my feet hit the floor. Not great. Need to shift that back in the direction of more balance.
- Process work – at BCcampus, we all rallied together when COVID hit and did a ton of outreach, webinars, sessions, coaching circles, online office hours, etc, and now that we’re through the initial panic, we need to hold up and take stock. I keep thinking we cannot squander this moment (there is need, and folks are showing up for support) …and, we also have to stay ok. So many organizational problems can be traced back to a lack of clarity about roles and process, so we’re doing a fair bit of that right now.
- I am so angry about the racist garbage going on in BC. There have been physical and verbal attacks, including a stupid rant from a famous has-been musician…we can’t have it.
- Expanding our bubbles, making my oasis…there’s lots of talk about opening up and expanding our bubbles. I’m looking forward to seeing folks a bit more often, and I’m also doing the seasonal transition in my backyard…seeds and starters have been planted, outdoor lounge furniture set up, the pool will be going up soon.
Media, etc
- Podcasts: I’ve been seeking out more comedy podcasts: Oh, Hello the P’dcast; My Brother, My Brother and Me. I also finally binged Dolly Parton’s America…IDK, it was ok…it got a lot of RAVE reviews so my expectations were probably too high.
- Netflix: After Life, Brooklyn 99 – insta-binged both and need MOAR good shows!
- BeMoreWithLess post about “landing your plane”, i.e., 8 ways to feel more grounded. Weirdly timed travel metaphor aside, some good basic ideas for re-grounding, which seems to be a constant and ongoing need for most of us.