I just watched/read
- interview with George Siemens on Connectivism (video)
- Stephen Downes posting on what connectivism is (blog)
- Stephen Downes:What is Connectivism? (video)
Key Points for me at this stage:
- knowledge:
- IS fundamentally networked, grown, distributed across connections, a set of connections (neural/biological basis)
- IS NOT a thing, transferable, propositional (i.e., composed of sentences), constructed
- learning is: capacity to construct and travel networks
- Objectives of the theory:1. how are networks grown/developed? 2. describe successful (trustworthy) networks
Things I am unsure about:
- information vs. knowledge
- knowledge/knowing vs. resourcefulness/ability to find?
- the role of the individual, cognition
- if this applies to all kinds of knowing
- if/how to reconcile with constructivism (specifically, the parts that make sense to me)
- application, assessment, bla bla bla in the big-E Educational context in which Iwork